
by Gabrielle Anwar

Baby will let you know when he is ready for solids. The first clue is when he attempts to eat whatever you’re munching on. Stealing from you is his way of saying, “The milk is nice and all, but boy that banana looks good!” There is no need to strap your baby into a highchair, by restraining him, you are sending the message that he is not capable of sitting still.

Hold him on your lap, and gently offer a small spoonful of organic, fresh minced/stewed food. This does not need to end up with food splattered all over his face and hands, on the floor and walls. Until he is ready to handle the food with coordination, you can have dominion.

Dr. Emmi Pikler® conceived of the importance of healthy nutrition during pregnancy and with children, long before it became popular knowledge.

Introducing the most nutritious food to baby is obviously crucial for his health and you are starting with a culinary clean slate. He has no concept of refined sugars and carbs, so why contaminate his perfect health with toxins?

Many supermarket baby food brands are far from healthy once you investigate the ingredients, so focus on fresh vegetables and some fruits to begin.

It is tremendous fun to watch his reaction to certain flavors and textures and you both will soon know which foods he likes and those he doesn’t.

Continue nursing/bottle feeding after introducing solid foods, to maintain nutrition and bonding.

Once he is able to sit on a small stool, you might consider the world from his perspective. Rather than raising him up to your eye level in a high chair, lower your perspective to his world.

A small table with some stools is a wonderful way to introduce him to dining without restraint. He will learn to come to the table for his meal or snack, put on the bib, wipe his hands clean, eat as much finger food as he likes and then remove bib, wipe hands and mouth and leave the table. He remains autonomous, making his own choices, rather than you deciding for him.

Meal times become tremendously civilized this way, and the best preparation for him joining you as a family at the dining table.

The slow pace, not eating in a hurry, is satisfying and beneficial for Baby’s digestive system. And joining him at the little table is equally as satisfying for you as you witness your little baby growing beautifully into a little boy.

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